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Modelling and extraction of variability in free-text medication prescriptions from an anonymised primary care electronic medical record research database.




BACKGROUND: Free-text medication prescriptions contain detailed instruction information that is key when preparing drug data for analysis. The objective of this study was to develop a novel model and automated text-mining method to extract detailed structured medication information from free-text prescriptions and explore their variability (e.g. optional dosages) in primary care research databases. METHODS: We introduce a prescription model that provides minimum and maximum values for dose number, frequency and interval, allowing modelling variability and flexibility within a drug prescription. We developed a text mining system that relies on rules to extract such structured information from prescription free-text dosage instructions. The system was applied to medication prescriptions from an anonymised primary care electronic record database (Clinical Practice Research Datalink, CPRD). RESULTS: We have evaluated our approach on a test set of 220 CPRD prescription free-text directions. The system achieved an overall accuracy of 91 % at the prescription level, with 97 % accuracy across the attribute levels. We then further analysed over 56,000 most common free text prescriptions from CPRD records and found that 1 in 4 has inherent variability, i.e. a choice in taking medication specified by different minimum and maximum doses, duration or frequency. CONCLUSIONS: Our approach provides an accurate, automated way of coding prescription free text information, including information about flexibility and variability within a prescription. The method allows the researcher to decide how best to prepare the prescription data for drug efficacy and safety analyses in any given setting, and test various scenarios and their impact.
机译:背景:自由文本药物处方包含详细的说明信息,这是在准备要分析的药物数据时的关键。这项研究的目的是开发一种新颖的模型和自动文本挖掘方法,以从自由文本处方中提取详细的结构化药物信息,并在初级保健研究数据库中探索其可变性(例如可选剂量)。方法:我们引入了一个处方模型,该模型提供了剂量数量,频率和间隔的最小值和最大值,从而可以对药物处方中的变异性和灵活性进行建模。我们开发了一种文本挖掘系统,该系统依靠规则从处方自由文本剂量说明中提取此类结构化信息。该系统已应用于匿名基层医疗电子记录数据库(Clinical Practice Research Datalink,CPRD)的药物处方。结果:我们在220个CPRD处方自由文本说明的测试集上评估了我们的方法。该系统在处方级别上实现了91%的整体准确度,而在各个属性级别上的准确度均为97%。然后,我们从CPRD记录中进一步分析了超过56,000种最常见的自由文本处方,发现其中四分之一具有固有的可变性,即根据最小和最大剂量,持续时间或频率的不同来选择服药。结论:我们的方法提供了一种准确,自动化的方式来编码无处方文本信息,包括有关处方中的灵活性和可变性的信息。该方法使研究人员可以决定如何最好地准备在任何给定情况下用于药物功效和安全性分析的处方数据,并测试各种情况及其影响。



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